Sunday 2 June 2013

Adolescence (some thoughts)



 The intermission between puberty and
with warmth and support available galore
from support systems,
Ideas and rudderless thoughts
at its exuberance best.......
Innate audacity  disfigured and expositioned as arrogance,
Notions of everything under the earth at its incubation,
Wafer thin boundary which separates
fantasy from reality......
Reasoning of reason at its lowest ebb,
In the end ........... only to find oneself
in the clutches of the endemic and
ever pervasive, sardonic saturation
point of mediocre
comfort zones - Projected, extolled and glorified as
the ordinary, normal and
natural , customary way of life, which is nothing
but the hearth of adolescence and the
dawn of adult hood.

Some thoughts
 Hari Sankar